18 Feb 2018

Power BI chart with map for 2018 Winter Olympics

#61 Power BI chart with map for 2018 Winter Olympics

For the 2018 Winter Olympic Games in PyeongChang (South Korea), in Korean:
평창 동계 올림픽 

Google did some research of what the favourite winter sport of every country is, and published this on Google Trends, see: 


Not surprisingly, for the Netherlands the favourite sport is (ice) skating (speed skating and shorttrack). I was interested to see how popular skating is world-wide, so I looked at above Google Trends site for 'ice skating', filtering for the period of the Olympics 2018 (9 Feb. until today, 17 Feb.), here:


I downloaded the CSV file from Google Trends and with this I made the Power BI chart in fig.1.

fig.1: Power BI 'filled map' chart with Google Trends Index for ice skating

The only red country on the map, left to the 'E' of Europe, is the Netherlands, with the highest Google Trends index (of 100) (and in green are the lowest scoring countries, and in pink the countries with a medium score).

To make this chart, this site was very helpful for me:


For some information about Korean, see my blog-post: 

-For some of my blog-posts with skate-statistics of the 2014 Winter Olympics, see:

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