#45 Statistics result 10-km run Corre por el niño 2015
UPDATE 8-12-2015: I added another Excel with a boxplot with the finishing-times per category (men/women). In par. Downloads below, I marked this Excel with 'V2'.
UPDATE 16-11-2015: I added another Excel with the ranking per category (men/women).
On Sun. 8 Nov. I participated in the 5th edition of the
10K run "Corre por el Niño 2015" (#CorrePorElNiño), this year with over 8000 participants (10km, 4km and 1 km for kids). This run is organized by hospital Niño Jesús (in Madrid), to raise funds for investigation of severe diseases with childeren, like e.g. cancer. For more info about this road-race, see:
For some of my photos of the race (and that of 2013), see:
In this run the bruto (gun) time and netto (chip) time are measured, and the bruto-time is the oficial time.
I also participated in this run, and, like last year, I made an Excel with the statistics of the result, see fig. 1 for the result. For more info about this Excel with the 2015-results was made,which is almost the same as the Excel with the 2014 result, see my 2014 blog-post about this 10K run:
And here are 2 others sites with statistics and all finish-times of #CarreraPopular #CorrePorElNiño Madrid 2015:
(this last site used the netto-time in their statistics, although the oficial finish-time is the bruto-time).
The data from this Excel comes (like last year) from this site:
I copied the data from their site to my Excel and added some check-columns (which are hidden), which showed some errors (red cells):
- in the man/women category field ("Sexo") their was one row with value "Masculina" (in stead of "Masculino")
- for some rows, the netto-time was higher then the netto-time
For the result of the 'import' of the time-date of the website into Excel, see fig.2.
This year there were no chips for the people who registered on the day of the run, so my name is not on the list (sheet 'Data'). My time was something between 47 and 48 min. (I made a short stop during the race to say hello to my sister-in-law and niece who were supporting the runners and I didn´t stop my stop-watch during this break), so as you can see in sheet 'Data', this time corresponds to about ranking 240 (of the 1642 10K runners) and percentile 17. That is in the 'All-category' (Men and Women). And to know my percentile in the Men-category, I copied the Excel and deleted in the Data-sheet all rows with finish-time of category Women (and X - Unknow). The array-formula to calculate the Frequency-colums used 'named ranges' so these were automatically (re-)calculated. The array-formula looks like this:
- R_Time2 = range on Time-Bruto column on Data-sheet
- R_Bin1 = range on Time-column on Stats-sheet
And I also made an Excel for the Women-category, and a final one with all Freq.values (so for categories All, Man, Women) with a graph which shows the Percentile-ranks for these 3 datasets, see fig.3, in which you can see e.g that after 55 min. about 50% of the men had finished, and about 20% of the women. And in the Excel for the Men-category I saw my percentile was about 18%.
And in fig.4 you can see a
boxplot with the finishing-times per category (Men/Women). This is a stacked barchart based on the differences of the '5 number summary' (min, Q1, Q2 (median), Q3, max.). To create the boxplot, in menu Desgin (of chart) I selected 'Switch rows and columns' and replaced the part of the stached chart for the Min. and Max for the 'whiskers' (implemented by error-bars in chart) of the boxplot. For a more detailed explanation, see:
In the boxplot you can e.g. easily see that 75% of the men (Q3) finished before 50% of the women (Q2, median).
It´s a pity in this run they don´t have more categories using also 'dimension' age-group, e.g. Men-Junior (until 30), Men-Senior A (between 30 and 50), Men-Senior B(older then 50) etc., so you could compare your finishing-time better (with more or less equals (same gender and age-group).
And to conclude, I want to thank hospital Niño Jesús and all the volunteers for making this run a really nice experience and the isotonic drinks and bananas they gave us after the race almost make you forget the suffering in the last part of the run with some 'nice' slopes...

fig.1: statistics result
10K run "Corre por el Niño 2015"

fig.2: Imported Time-data
fig.3: Percentile-Rank per Category (Man/Women)
fig.4: Boxplot with finishing-times per Category (Man/Women)
#Mirror 1: Scribd.com (PDF file):
#Mirror 2: Microsoft Onedrive (Excel files):
NB: this site has 'Excel-Online', so you can view my Excel-doc if you don´t have MS Excel on your PC
#Mirror 3: Google Drive (zip files with Excel and PDF files):