26 Feb 2014

Rankings Dutch skaters in Wintergames Sochi 2014

#12  Rankings Dutch skaters in Wintergames Sochi 2014

Note 28-2-2014
I updated the Excel (see downloads) and this post, see part 3.

Part 1/3 (26-2-2014)

Toyday my last post dedicated to the Wintergames in Sochi 2014. This time I made an Excel (see fig.1) with the results (rankings) of all Dutch long-track skaters (so I excluded the short-track skaters and the team pursuit) of TeamNL. You did a great job at these Games and I congratulate all of you with your results, whether it was gold, silver bronze or a new PR.

To collect all rankings, I used this (Dutch) website:


which links to this one:

and if you click in the ranking-table on the name of a skater, it opens this website (and shows details about the skater).

To highlight the medal-winners, I color-coded rankings 1, 2 and 3 (green, orange, red), using Conditional Formatting. The tables with the medal-totals are calculated with the COUNTIF-formula, see e.g. :

So the Netherlands won 21 medals in longtrack (individual) skating, and 3 more in other disciples, which is a new record. Of course, every person who became a olympic champion has delivered a great performance and deserved to get the Dutch 'knighthood' title, which the Dutch king gave to them the other day (see fig.2), but in case the king could only give one title, I´d say to him to give it to Stefan Groothuis, who after having overcome a very difficult time and a bad start in Sochi (he fell in the 500m), won the 1000m, very impressive!

                                             Fig.1: Ranking Dutch skaters in races at Olympic Wintergames 2014 Sochi

Fig.2: Dutch Skaters with King Willem Alexander and Queen Maxima,

Part 2/3 (27-2-2014)

Today someone asked me about the order of the skaters in the ranking-table. The order doesn´t mean anything, it´s just how the skaters were ordered on this (Dutch) website::


But the question gave me an idea: to order the skaters based on the number of medals they won, in the same way as the countries were ordered at the end of the Games (with the Netherlands at 5th place), see:


So: nr.1 is the one who won the most gold medals, and if this is equal for 2 countries/skaters you look who won the the most silver medeals and if this is also equal you look who won the most bronze medals.
So I made a new table in my Excel (sheet 2, see fig.3), copying the table of sheet 1, but just the part with the skaters and their medal-totals for gold/silver/bronze, and then I did a multi-column ordering on this table, see:


To get the ranking-nr (1st column), I added 4 columns (purple) to calculate the difference in the gold/silver/bronze total with the previous skater in the ranking-table, and if this is 0 for all 3 columns, it means the skater has the same ranking as the previous skater.To do this, I used a conditional formula for the 4th purple column:

Ranking_Diff =IF(AND([@[Gold_Diff]]=0;AND([@[Silver_Diff]]=0;[@[Bronze_Diff]]=0));0;1)



As you can see in fig.3, Ireen Wüst was the most succesfull Dutch skater (and as I said earlier, my Excel only includes the individual long-track competitions (so I excluded short-track and team pursuit, and in the last, Wüst won another gold medal). After these Games, Wüst  is the most succesfull Dutch olympic athlete (so of all olympic sports) ever, see this (Dutch) website::


And she can even improve her 'score' because she said she will be there at the next Wintergames..

Part 3/3 (28-2-2014)

Besides several skaters, also 2 trainers were given the knighthood title, Gerard Kemkers (of team TVM) and Jac Orie (of team BrandLoyalty/Activia), and they deserve it.
NB: Most of the Dutch skaters train in professional teams, which have the name of their sponsor, only some skaters are independant, so without a team. For more details about the Dutch skaters and teams, see this (Dutch) website:


I wanted to compare the results of the teams (coaches), so I added to the table in worksheet 2 a colum 'team' (team-ID I should say, no team-name, to save space in the table) and I created a new table with the teams in which I count the total of gold/silver/medals (in the same way as I did for the skaters) with a formula like this (for the total of golden medals for team TVM):

=IF(D4="TVM";E4;0) + IF(D5="TVM";E5;0) + IF(D6="TVM";E6;0) + IF(D7="TVM";E7;0) + IF(D8="TVM";E8;0) + IF(D9="TVM";E9;0) + IF(D10="TVM";E10;0) + IF(D11="TVM";E11;0) + IF(D12="TVM";E12;0) + IF(D13="TVM";E13;0) + IF(D14="TVM";E14;0) + IF(D15="TVM";E15;0) + IF(D16="TVM";E16;0) + IF(D17="TVM";E17;0) + IF(D18="TVM";E18;0) + IF(D19="TVM";E19;0) + IF(D20="TVM";E20;0) + IF(D21="TVM";E21;0) + IF(D22="TVM";E22;0) + IF(D23="TVM";E23;0)

So this formula loops through all rows with the skaters and if the skater is of team TVM, it includes this skaters golden medal-total into the TVM-team´s golden medal-total. For the result, see fig.3, which shows that team TVM, with trainer Kemkers, had the best performance, with a total of 7 medals.

Maybe some of you think this is a very inefficient way to calculate the team-rankings if you compare it how you could do this in a relational database with count-queries, and this is true. Maybe one day I´ll dedicate a post to this topic, so relational databases.

Note 29-4-2014: Today I wrote this post about databases, see:


fig.3: Ranking Dutch skaters based on medals won at Olympic Wintergames 2014 Sochi
NB: independant skaters have value N/A for the team- and trainer-columns


* Mirror #1:

* Mirror #2:

17 Feb 2014

Tracker for Speed Skating 10km Men Sochi 2014

#11  Tracker for Speed Skating 10km Men at Olympic Wintergames Sochi 2014

Note 19-2-2014:
I updated the Excel with the times of the best 3 skaters, see Download-mirrors: 'Race'. And I also uploaded a PDF-version (see mirror #3). I added an extra sheet to compare the results of the winner and
runner-up, with e.g. laptimes and speed and the difference with the previous lap, see fig.2, 3, so similar to
the Excel in my previous post about the 5km men, see:
For more details about fig.2-3, see 'Part 2' of this post.

Part 1/2 (18-2-2014, before the race)

Tomorrow will be the 10.000 m speed-skating competition for men in the Olympic Wintergames in Sochi.
I made an Excel for this event which you can use during the race. To do this, you must enter the (total/cumulative) laptimes in the (red) columns, in format: nn:ss.mmm (minute, sec., milli-sec, e.g. 10:11.710)
If you do this after every lap, you can see in the Excel the difference with the fastest skater in the competition and also the differences with the World Record (WR) and Olympic Record (OR). And in column 'S1/2/3 Diff. Fastest', the yellow cell is in the column of the fastest skater (1/2/3) until that lap.
In fig.1 you can see an example of the result, at the end of the competition, so with all laptimes for the 3 best skaters. To use this Excel for the real competition, you have to delete these laptimes (in the red-columns).
I uploaded 2 versions of this Excel on download-mirror #1, one read-only version with the demo-data
and one read/write version with empty lap-time columns, so if someone likes to fill in the lap-times
of the race 'live', that is posible (using the the cloud-version of Excel). Unfortunately I won´t have time to do it myself, why didn´t they schedule this competion later in the afternoon..

For those interested in who are the favourites, see:


So as you can see, if Sven Kramer won´t make any mistakes (..) that will be another gold skating-medal for Holland!

Part 2/2 (19-2-2014, after the race)

Yesterday I had more then 600 visitors of this blog-post ( 99% Dutch) which was a 'PR' for me ..and one of you responded on my invitation to track the race 'live' with my Excel 'in the cloud' (see download-mirror #1). But this unkown user X didn´t finish it, so I did it myself. But I think the reason X stopped was because the formulas were not being calculated well because he/she didn´t fill the cells in the correct format.Maybe I should have given a more detailed explanation how to fill the cells. So I´ll do that now.
As I said before, you should enter the (total/cumulative) laptime in the (red) columns, in format: nn:ss.mmm (minute, sec., milli-sec, e.g. 10:11.710). That means that every cell where you must enter the lap-times has 8 characters, which makes the calculation from the lap-times to milli-seconds more simple, as you can use for every cell a formula like this (e.g. for cell D14):

= (60000*MID(D14;1;2)) + (1000*MID(D14;4;2))+RIGHT(D14;3)

Another thing which I didn´t mention in part 1 is that the column 'Time Diff. with fastest' only will be calculated after the lap-times of all 3 skaters for one lap have been entered. But because the favourites for the top 3 positions were in the last races, and in the end the top 3 indeed came out of these last races, this was not a problem.

And now let´s look at the end-result (fig.2-3):

Fig.2 shows:
- chart 3: the winner (S1: Bergsma) and runner-up (S2: Kramer) were both faster then the old OR.
- chart 1 and yelow cells in table: skater (S2: Kramer) was the fastest until lap 22 (8800 m), from then on skater (S1: Bergsma) was the fastest.

Fig.3 shows:
- table 1, last column, green 'up-arrows' show that skater (S1: Bergsma) after lap 1 kept on going faster
- table 2, last column, red'down-arrows' show that skater (S2: Kramer) after lap 20 slowed down and in chart 2 you can see that his laptime was 700 ms slower then the previous lap while skater (S1: Bergsma) after the first laps never lost more then 200 ms.

So this race ended in another  victory for the Netherlands, winning all 3 medals. Congratulations to all of you, and especially to Bergsma, who said before the start of the olympics that in case in the Netherlands the winter would come and the canals would freeze and there would be the skating-marathon '11 cities tour', probably the most heroic competition in the world, in that case he probably would´t have participated in Sochi... Here a video of this tour:

I´ll hope one day Bergsma can win it too.




fig.1: Demo-data 10km skating

fig.2: Results: Top 3 race

fig.3: Results: Top 2 race


* Mirror #1:



* Mirror #2:


* Mirror #3:

11 Feb 2014

Calendar 2014 v8 - with Moon-phases and Macro (VBA)

#10 Calendar 2014 v8 -with dates seasons and moon-phases and Macros (VBA)

I made a new version (v8) of my Excel Calendar, which is almost the same as v7, except it now includes the dates of the seasons (equinox, solstice) and moon-phases (new moon, full moon). These 'time events'  are reflected in some pictures in sheet-1 (Info), which are enabled or disabled depending on the actual date, or where you live, see fig.1, 2 for how the calendar looks like for some who lives north/south of the equator. To do this, I used macros and VBA (Visual Basic for Aplications, the basic language of Microsoft Office). That´s why the extension of the Excel now is xlsm (in stead of xlsx), which may cause a warning when you download it, but you can ignore that (so choose 'enable macros').
For more details on VBA, see e.g. :


fig.1: 11-2-2014: Summer in South

fig.2: 11-2-2014: Winter in North


* Mirror #1:

* Mirror #2:

9 Feb 2014

Results Speed Skating 5000 Men

#9  Results Speed Skating 5000 Men at Olympic Wintergames Sochi 2014

After the great success of the Dutchmen in Speed Skating 5000 Men at Olympic Wintergames Sochi 2014 (gold, silver and bronze), I decided to create an Excel with the result of the top 6. So I took the times of the 6 best skaters, and did´nt look at the times of their oppenents. And I took the top 6, because the skater who finally ended at rank 6 for some laps had the best (intermediate) time. The Excl shows how to make a X Y Scatter Chart (so for distance/time).
To make the calculations a bit more easier, I converted all lap-times to milli-seconds.
I made a comparison of the laptimes of the 6 best skaters and looked in more detail at the times of the winner, Sven Kramer, who improved the Olympic Record. Well done and congratulions Sven!

Note 10-2-214:
All the end-standings of this race, you can find at:


Today I found this website, where you can find all skate statistics, e.g. world-records, laptimes etc.:


And another nice (Dutch) site with actual information about skating, like the results at the Wintergames #Sochi2014:


Note 12-2-214:
Last night  I was searching for skate-statistics, and found this (from a Dutch newspaper): see fig.6
So in this diagram they take the lap-times 'to beat' (world-record at that time), from 1 skater (Koss) as a reference and show the differences from 2 other skaters (Romme and De Jong) with respect to these times, and you can see both beat the record, with Romme as the winner.
I did the same in my Excel: so I changed the last column of the table in fig.2 for
the lap-times of the winner (Kramer), see fig.7 for the result.

For the Dutch readers: a little manual how to make skate-statistics in Excel (in Dutch):

Note 13-2-214:
I made another chart to compare Sven Kramers new Olympic Record (OR) in Sochi with the old OR (of 2010, also of Kramer), see fig.8, which is in the same style of fig.7, with the OR of 2010 as a reference (x-axe).
Today I also looked at the statistics of a skating-tour 'Ijzeren Man' ('Iron Man') of 50 km which I made last year, in Vught, North Brabant, Netherlands, see:


and when I saw my average speed (15km/h) and max. speed, I thought it would be nice to add this also to the Excel, see fig.9  (the orange cells). As you can see, Kramer goes almost 50 km/h (so more then 3 times as fast as I went, although my race was outside and with old-style skates..).
And when I looked at the website of another skater:



it gave me the idea to add also a table and chart with the difference in speed in one lap and the previous lap , and use 'conditional formatting' to add the 'up' and 'down' arrows, so the indicate if the speed increased or decreased, see also fig.9.


fig.1: Times top 6

fig.2: Times top 6

fig.3: Times top 6

fig.4: Times top 6

fig.5: Times winner

fig.7 : Kramer vs rest top 6




* Mirror #1:

3 Feb 2014

Calendar 2014 v7 - UserForm with ComboBox

#8  Calendar 2014 v7 - UserForm with ComboBox

I made a new version (v7) of my Excel Calendar, which is almost the same as v6, except the data-entry UserForm now has a ComboBox control to select the language, see fig.1.
NB: control-objects like the ComboBox control are 'unsupported features' in Excel Web App (see download-mirror #1).

For more details on controls and Excel UserForms, see e.g. :




Mirror #1: