31 Aug 2014

Worldcup Basketball 2014 Match Schedule

#22  Worldcup Basketball 2014 Match Schedule

Note 14-9: Update Excel after final, V6
  Note 10-9: Update Excel after matches of today, V5

Note 9-9: Update Excel after matches of today, V4

Note 8-9-2014:
I updated this Excel after the 1/8 finals with the 1/4 finalists (V3).

Note 6-9-2014:
Now the group-phase has ended and the 16 1/8 finalists are known, I updated this Excel, to which I refer below with v2. Besides, I also included a bracket (tournament schema in tree.from for finals), see fig.2.

Spain was counting down for the Spain 2014 FIBA Worldcup Basketball , but now it has finally started! And in Madrid, basketball is everywhere now, for some photos I made, see:


I made an Excel with the match-schedule for this event, see. fig.1. It is in the same style as the Excel I made for the Soccer Worldcup, see post:


so see that post for more info about the format of the match-schedule.

To make this Excel, I used:




which has the data about the matches and teams in table-format, which made it easy to import it using PowerQuery, about which I wrote in this post:


In Download-mirror #2 you can see in Excel v0 the result of this import. To come to the final version of the match-schedule, was more work then I thought, mainly because the data in the table was not 100% structured (e.g. date and time in 1 column) and even had some errors. To prevent this kind of errors, I made some pivot-tables (see sheet3-5 in my Excel) which has checks like: all groups have same number of games, at 1 time and place there is only 1 game (no 'over-booking') etc.

Well, I hope with my Excel you´ll enjoy the Worldcup Basketball even more.
Go Gasol, go ÑBA!

NB: Some links with more info about the Worldcup:





fig.1: Match Schedule Worldcup Basketball

fig.2  Match Schedule Worldcup Basketball in bracket-fomat

NB: to create this bracket, I used this Excel-template from the MS website:


#Mirror 1 (PDF file):


#Mirror 2 (Excel file):
NB: this site has MS Onedrive, which has 'Excel-Online', so you can view my Excel-calendar here if you don´t have MS Excel on your PC


#Mirror 3 (V1: 1 zip file with Excel and PDF files, V2: bracket-schema and 1/8 finalists):




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