21 Mar 2020

Coronavirus in the Netherlands: embedded daily refreshed Power BI report

#67 Coronavirus in the Netherlands: embedded daily refreshed Power BI report

NB 31/3/2020:
Since today, this report is not daily updated anymore, because the format and content of the source-data (RIVM CSV file) has been changed and I haven't adopted my reported for this. In case you are interested in this, please let me know in a comment on this post.

NB: the embedded report is at the bottom of this page, and is updated Daily 

The Coronavirus (COVID-19) Power BI report that I made and wrote about in my previous blog-post:


, I embedded in this new blog-post, so you can see every day the latest numbers. The data in this report get's refreshed daily at aprox. 14:00, when RIVM  (National (Dutch) Institute for Public Health and the Environment) made the new Coronavirus-numbers in the Netherlands available again on their website:


and after this CSV file was processed by Jonathan de Bruin (Research Data Engineer at Utrecht University) and made available for the public on:


How to embed a PowerBI report in a web-page is described here:


The embedded report below is interactive, so you can do everthing here as you would do when you work in Power BI itself, e.g. filter, drill-down etc.

Hint: when you view the report in your web-browser, use mode 'Open in complete screen' (see red-marked icon in bottom-right icon in fig.1).

Power BI has also a community where members can share their work, which I also did for my Corona-report (under user-name: maartenree), see:


For more details about the report and the PBIX-file (PowerBI), see my previous post.

fig.1  Coronavirus- PowerBI report v3 in webbrowser (i.c. embedded in the page of this blog-post)

HTML (iframe) of today's report (in case you want to embed it in your webpage:

<iframe width="800" height="600" src="https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiZjVkOWQ4MzYtM2Q5Yi00MWI0LTllNGYtNDFiY2EyYzgzYjI4IiwidCI6ImI3OWIyMzE3LTM0ZGQtNDNlNS05MWEyLWNkNjZkM2FlMWYwYiIsImMiOjh9" frameborder="0" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe>

Embedded 'Coronavirus in Netherlands' Power BI report

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's great, Thank you Maarten!!