13 Jan 2015

Timesheet for worked hours 2015

#30 Timesheet for worked hours 2015

Note (8-4-2015)
I made a new version of this Excel, which can calculate total project-hours, see:
This post is about the new version (V2) of the Excel I made  to track your worked hours, the "Timesheet 2015". For my post about the previous version (V1), see:


What´s new in V2:

- V2 has the calendar for 2015 and the holidays in Spain/Madrid.
- V2 is better documented, and uses cell-comments to describe the columns of the 'input-table' (where you have to enter your worked hours)
- V1 showed all columns with formulas of the input-table, V2 only shows 1 calculated column, that with the end-result of all calculations (difference between your worked hours and contract-hours, which should be 0). This to avoid the risk that you accidentily change a column with a formula.
- V1 was mainly in Spanish and had a translation-table for English, V2 is in English
- V1 had, besides de the timesheet, also a year-calendar and vacations-planner, V2 doesn´t, these documents are now in separate Excels, see:



- V2 has more statistics.
- V2 has an extra input-table, to book the time you worked for a project per day per office-hour
- V2 has a new office-hours/work-week table for a short workweek of 35 hours.
- V1 was free of charge and V2 isn´t.. No, I was just kidding, V2 is also for free, but  if you want to make a small donation, I appreciate it. My PayPal-account is related to my hotmail-account "eigersoftware" (see also sheet-1 of the Excel of this post).

How to use this Excel:

step 0: delete all my input for this demo (green columns in sheet 'Tabla'), which has data for every (working) day in 2015 (with extra details for month decembre, that´s why I filtered the input-table for this month)

step 1: the Excel has some 'parameters' which you should check and maybe change, like e.g. the table with the office-hours, e.g.: for a 40 hour work-week. NB: you can use more then 1 workweek-table per year, e.g. in Spain during the months July and August, we have a summer-schedule of 37 hours in stead of the standard 40 hours-workweeks in the rest of the year.

step 2: fill for every day in sheet 'Tabla' (see fig.2)  the green columns of the input-table, like start-time and end-time of working-day and break(s). The yelow cell  'Tdiff' shows the difference of time-worked vs time-contract (should be >= 0), in minutes. And you can also register the time you worked for a project per day per office-hour, see sheet 'DiaHoras'.

step 3: update pivot-tables in sheet 'Estadisticas' (see fig.1), click menu Analizar > Actualizar Todo (o menu Datos > Actualizar (Analyze > Refresh). For more info about pivot-tables, see:

For more details about this Excel, see the document itself, the demo-data, especially that of december should give a good impression how to use this Excel to track your hours.

And to conclude I want to thank Excel-MVP John Walkenback for adding my blog on his website about Excel, which is a great source of information about Excel, see:



Fig.1: Statistics: pivot-tables and graphs to show total worked time (and difference with time-contract, so the time you should work)

Fig.2: Input-table with start-time and end-time per day (input) and total hours worked and difference with contract (calculated). Table is input for pivot-tables (see fig.1).

Fig.3: Input-table with time you worked for a project per day per office-hour


#Mirror 1:

 #Mirror 2 (Excel file):

NB: this site has MS Onedrive, which has 'Excel-Online', so you can view my Excel-files here if you don´t have MS Excel on your PC


#Mirror 3:

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